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Abstract While at the time we converse about build environment development (house) in kampong, which must be comprehended by that pattern socialize to develop the house is not linear growing, but the immeasurable process of finished level, which is either through dynamic and continue. Basically that growth result of parallel physical more or less with level of mobility of social-economic family. Interrelationship between physical environment of human settlement with its society, each other influence. Human settlement as environment of dwelling and place of activity supporting life and subsistence have one of its element that is house. Productive house and the human settlement support Kampong Sanan 'Tempe', experiencing of change of dwelling pattern influenced by development of their effort. Research methods used in this qualitative research is historical and developmental research. To get the expected result, the approach being used to study productive house development was using house development theory of Silas (1993). To keep track of objects that need to be observed, the results presented in a diagrammatical way, supported by environmental cognition, by Rapoport’s theory (1977). Research results showed three dwelling patterns in kampung Sanan ‘Tempe’ productive house. These three patterns have different development tendency, that in turn will help to determine house development direction from productives and domestical aspect. Other result of this research is waste-processing proposal for the livestock-breeding, considering the existence of the cow shed represent a link in the chain of tempe production process in kampung Sanan ‘Tempe’. Keyword: Development, Dwelling Patterns, Productive House, Settlement’s Carrying Capacity Vernacular Pattern. | |
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